Below you will find a list of upcoming events here at Upstate Archery Academy or host by Upstate Archery Academy.

USA Archery State Field Championships - June 24th, 2023
Date: Saturday June 24th
Time: 8am -9:15am Practice Range Open
8am -9:15am Check-in and Gear Check
9:30am Safety Briefing and instruction (Mandatory)
10am Shot-gun Start
Awards once all scores have been verified
Location: Keowee Bowman Archery Club
153 Archery Club Rd Central, SC 29630
Field Archery Format:
· All Distances will be known.
· 24 Targets / 3 arrows per target / 72 Total Arrows
· Distances by Age:
o Compound (U18 and Older): 10 meters – 60 Meters
o Recurve (U21 and Older): 10 Meters – 60 Meters
o Barebow (U21 and Older): 5 Meters - 50 Meters
o All Younger age divisions: 5 Meters – 30 Meters
· Targets – 20cm, 40cm, 60cm and 80cm (the further the shot the bigger the target)
Food: Concessions will be available including light snacks and drinks. Water will be available on course to refill. (Bring Cash).